R&H Creative Advocacy and Storytelling: A bit of my story.
As a young individual living with Mental Health Struggles in Manchester, New Hampshire, I was no stranger to bullying, the trials of living in a system that would not work with me, and the complications that come with Neuro Diversity. However, I had a passion for stories, and the images within that took me away from the pain of feeling different in a world that had not yet embraced the differences it does now. In the words of Poetry, Novels, and Music, I found a home where insults weren’t thrown at me, where I knew my strengths against a world that didn’t tell me I couldn’t and that I would be a failure.
All the while, those who were to support me called me a monster and a mistake. Where the hatred others had for my diagnosis was tossed at me like rocks against a window. Yet in all my years, stories held out hope for me; they inspired me to speak, to feel as if the gem of worth hidden in my desolate heart would flourish and grow to great worth.
As I grew, I began to share my stories more, and with those stories came absolute confidence and real hope. I found settings where I could inspire others to write, speak, and tell their stories. As I practiced more, I became an Advocate, a Teacher, and a Mentor. I found Homes in Agencies that valued my passion, and I began to break away from the trauma others inflicted genuinely. I started to see what others did, that spark of someone who has his passion and creates a raging fire of joy. As a mentor, I helped youth gain a love for reading and helped others find their way to independence. I became a peer specialist as well. Since the first days of sharing my stories, I have continued to share and lift up others through my passion and gifts for storytelling.
Now I enter a new world of D&D and am Building up an even greater passion to share the power of events and their capability to mentor in a strange and wonderful way. I am using my experience as a Group facilitator, educator, and Mentor to help others connect to their community in a deeper or more cohesive manner. I am building bridges for those who need help crossing a path that needs to be redefined for their needs.
So, I am here now to build bridges that work for all! To utilize a skill set that has been 30+ years in the making to help others feel their complete joy. To connect a world through storytelling that embraces all communities. Yet, I want to do so in a way that has intention and compassion with every step.