Mental Health Awareness Month

Hello all!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Because of that, we want to spend a moment to honor all those living with mental health needs.

As many know, mental health is a complex, constantly evolving aspect of the human experience. While some moments may be joyous, others may be difficult and feel insurmountable.

However, one wonderful aspect of the human experience is the will to move forward, to fight against the odds and overcome.

While it is completely OK for things to be ok, we should never surrender to the sadness, the misery, the pain, and the darkness. We must rise against these experiences and carry on. We must be a community that supports all people. We must strive for the fight for awareness and knowledge.

Knowledge is the pathway to power, resiliency, and strength. With that, may we all work to fight for better collective mental health as the warriors we are.

Keep on carrying on my fellow warriors.


Make Mental Health Matter- TV Show Interview


Using Your Authority As a Game to Empower Your Players: From The Perspective of a Neuro Diversity Event Specialist  By Thomas R Wilson